My latest course DDD and EF Core: Preserving Encapsulation is live!

In this course, I show how you can use EF Core 3.1 to build an encapsulated domain model. It’s one of the remaining DDD courses in my backlog of courses that I plan to make for Pluralsight.

I must say, there are still a lot of rough edges and overall shortcomings in EF Core, even after all the improvements Microsoft made over the past several years. Those shortcomings make it really hard to keep proper separation of concerns between the domain model and the ORM.

As I mentioned in the previous email, my preferred ORM is still NHibernate. Though, it’d be great if someone could pursue Microsoft to fix all the issues I outlined in the course. I would definitely consider switching to EF Core if all those shortcomings get fixed.

In any event, check this course out.

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