My Unit Testing: Principles, Patterns and Practices book has reached the final stage: it has just been sent to production, which means it will go to print in about two months.

Manning has a multi-step review process, where they ask people from the industry (not Manning employees) to review the book at different stages of development. I just received the results of the final review. I expected that people would like the book but I didn’t anticipate so overwhelmingly positive feedback. My editor (who is also the book manager) at Manning said the book received the highest rating among all books she managed at Manning so far.

Here are some of the quotes from reviewers (emphasis mine):

This is a book that every developer and software architect should read. You’ll probably find yourself reading it again and again and getting more out of it each time. This book will feed into your professional practice and make you a better developer. Writing better unit tests forces you to become a better software architect. This book is an indispensable resource.

Absolutely practical and useful book. The author can convey his ideas in a consistent and pragmatic way, with all the necessary underlying theory and without architecture astronaut’s solutions.

I finally formulated for myself how and when should I use mocks. Incredibly good thought about testing a unit of behavior, not a unit of code.

It’s simply brilliant.

This is the kind of book that makes you feel more confident about unit testing. It gives you a framework for discussing tests using objective measures. This book should be read by all developers.

The writing is very good. Sentences are concise and well structured. There is a structural use of repetition to help you remember core points. I am very impressed.

This book provides the type of content that you have to read between the lines of many other books. It puts into words things that are often intuited. The concept is very interesting and the audience is well matched to the content.

This book will not only help you write better tests but more importantly will help you write code that is more easily testable. The author guides you through all the. I wish I had this book twenty years ago when I was starting my careen in software development

Finally a book that goes beyond simple tutorials and teach how to write readable and maintainable tests

Roy Osherove’s book is one of my favorites books about testing. This one is going to be one of my favorite books too. It’s absolutely practical, covers different aspects of real-world programming.

This book covers about any question you could have about unit tests, from what to test about database calls to whether or not you test what you log. In my mind this is a great design book under the guise of a unit testing book. Don’t get me wrong. The author goes to great lengths on unit testing, why you should do it, and how to identify and write good tests. But the real heart of this book is on how to structure your code to unit test effectively. There’s a lot of value in that that a lot of resources don’t explore.

If you’re having trouble identifying what a good or bad test is, this is the book to read. If you want insights into what a test suite does and what is and isn’t important to measure, this is the book to read. If you’re frustrated with overuse of mocks and testing hiccups of a typical 3-tier architecture and want to break away from those, this is the book to read.

And also a couple of screen shots:

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Don’t forget to check out the book if you haven’t already: Use the nwsentr40 code to get a 40% discount. There are currently 3 chapters available in MEAP but the rest should be published soon.
